Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Verified by Visa & MasterCard SecureCode drop Sales Conversion by 30%!

We are all well aware of the complaints about consumer adoption, issuer adoption, complexity in signup, usability and protection rights with these programs, but we have all been trying to quantify if there is a real impact to sales conversion. Mick Scott of was quoted in the recent article “Industry lays into 3-D Secure”, Phil Muncaster, IT Week, 11 April 2008 as saying "We turned on Verified by Visa in Spain and it was horrific," said Scott. "There was a 30 per cent drop off in completed purchases."

For more information on this topic see the article “Industry lays into 3-D Secure”, Phil Muncaster, IT Week, 11 April 2008

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Visa Verify is essentially duplicating the same logic as PayPal - with much more inferior offer (e.g. no centralized signup). PayPal has been struggling with phishing for years now, finally growing up to 2FA solution and it's amazing that Visa/MC learned no lessons from this evolution.